We would love if you would plan a visit to one of our services on a Sunday morning. Click here to learn about all we offer for our 9:00 Traditional service or click here to learn a little more about our Contemporary service! You can also watch a livestream of both services by following this link here!
We are so glad you have taken an interest in who we are and what ministries we offer. Our vision is: “We are a beacon for God – helping others to See, to Accept, and to Grow in the light of Jesus Christ.” What does that mean? For us, it means sharing the light of God’s grace available to us all.
God is always present. And God loves you. It’s just that sometimes we need that pointed out to us before it becomes obvious to us. Our desire is to help you to see how God is already at work in your life even though you may not yet be able to see it.
We believe the main thing is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. “Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13). Our desire is to help you accept the salvation God offers to you as a gift of his unconditional love.
Once you give your life to Christ, you will come to realize that your life is no longer the same. You will want to find ways to express your gratitude to God for your gift of salvation. Our desire to help you find ways to grow in your relationship with God. We GROW in our path of discipleship through Gifts, Relationships, Outreach, and Worship.

9:00-10:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship
10:00-11:00 a.m. - Sunday school
11:00 - Noon - Contemporary Service